LOA’s received

Well … our LOA’s are ALMOST received.  We have received electronic copies of them for both Leah and Riley and have been able to start submitting paperwork to US Immigration to get things moving again!  We should have the actual LOA’s from Madison on Monday.  This is always a nice part of the process were the bulk of the waiting is done and the clock starts ticking again.  

In the meantime, we received some pictures.  We received one of Leah in the hospital looking VERY good for having surgery not that long ago.

We also received several pictures Riley from another couple who is at the orphanage picking up their little girl (yes, I did feel a twinge of jealousy when I saw them with OUR girl!  Can’t wait to get there!)

The mom told us that Riley proudly showed everyone the picture album we had sent her of our family.  Hopefully God is building inside of her an excitement about joining our family!

Hopefully there will be more news soon!  Stay tuned.
