Good Morning USA!

Well, we are sitting in the Beijing airport and hopefully most of you are asleep! It is 5PM here, but 4AM on Wednesday back home. Nick, if you are reading this, check your blood sugar!

The trip has been uneventful so far. We had our last “American” meal in Detroit with Britt and Ali enjoying good old American wings:


Then it was time to board our new home for the next 14 hours, a Boeing 777:


I felt the trip went fairly quickly, but Kelly felt like we were standing still. I guess there were enough movies that I wanted to watch on the in-flight entertainment system that it helped me pass the time a little more quickly.

We got into Beijing about a 1/2-hour late, but didn’t really matter. Customs and immigration were a breeze! However, our in-country airlines wouldn’t let us check in until two hours before our flight, which means we have been sitting in the lobby for the last hour or so. However, our time is up so after this we will go check in. Here we sit with all of our luggage!


Tomorrow we get to pick up Riley and Jesse! Seems surreal that this is actually happening. We should have a lot more pictures tomorrow.

Have a great Wednesday! Ours has been pretty good!


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