They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so I will start with a picture of where this afternoon ended:
I was a long and emotional day and it took a lot out of everyone. These two sleeping on the way back from the orphanage visit pretty much says it all. So, lets look at where the day began. Or better yet, let’s look back at last night before bedtime. We went out onto the shopping square to walk around and have a little dinner.
We ate “special” last night at the old Pizza Hut, a little reminder of home!
Even with an interpreter daughter, it is easier to point at pictures to order.
Unfortunately the smell in the square was very overwhelming and was not conducive to a leisure stroll, so we went back to the hotel via a local park.
Kelly went through the girls suitcases getting them new pajamas out for the night.
Our day today began with us down in the first-floor lobby after breakfast waiting for the van that would take us to Hefei so that we could go finish all the filing for the girls passports and visit the orphanage.
Jessie has been warming up to Kelly and was open to a picture of her and Ali with Kelly.
We then took a two hour van-ride out to Huianan. We arrived a little early, so we had to wait for the orphanage director. The girls had to use the restroom, so we took a little walk across the street where I was able to catch some of the “local flavor” of food vendors who were out plying their wares for those heading to work.
After waiting in the Que at the passport office, it was our turn to get the girls paperwork signed and their fingerprints taken for their Chinese passports.
As we left, Riley showed that she still is not totally happy with my frequency of picture taking!
It was then off to the orphanage.
The orphanage. Lots of things to say at this point. This visit last time was a very emotional one, but was emotional after the fact as you had time to sit down and look at the faces of ALL those kids that were there. It was the point in time that Riley first captured our hearts.
Today’s visit would be emotional also, but in a MUCH different way. By the time we left an hour later, everyone but Brittany and I would have shed more than a few tears. As with every part of adoption, it was a privilege to be a part of it and yet sad to be reminded about how very difficult this transition is on these kids and how they give up all the security that they know on the promise that some stranger will love and take care of them. It is an endeavor that no parent should take part in lightly and those adoptive parents much understand that, to these kids, we are not “saving” them from anything … only taking them away from all that they have known.
On the face of things, the orphanage didn’t look much different.
Riley was VERY excited about coming back to the orphanage to visit, even though she had just left it yesterday! She was the first one out of the van by a mile!
Then Ali came out and it started to feel like a movie star had stepped out on the red carpet. Everyone was so excited to see her back.
We brought back pictures of previous girls who had come to the USA and Riley gave those pictures to some of the China Moms (I am going to abbreviate this as CM moving forward, as I feel I will use that term a lot in this post!).
It then came time for handing out the candy!
While the orphanage didn’t LOOK different, it had changed. There were not near as many kids there this time as last. Many have been adopted and some were at different schools. In addition, there appeared to be a LOT of boys! Much more than last time. However, Kelly pointed out later that some may have been girls with their hair cut short.
This little guy took quite a liking to Brittany!
Ali pointed out to use the “toilets” in the courtyard …
We went up and saw the girls rooms. First we went into Riley’s room, which brought back all the memories of meeting her just two short years ago!
Then we went to Jessie’s room and saw the bed that she had just slept on the night before.
Kelly pointed out the nice piece of mirror that had been taped up on the wall to allow them a place to check their appearance before heading out for the day.
It was lunch time, so the little children were preparing to eat. Here was what was on the menu for them today.
Ali spent time pointing out to Kelly some of the areas of the orphanage like the kitchen and showers.
While Riley and Leah talked with one of the CMs.
The area around the orphanage is being demolished and there is just rubble and abandoned buildings everywhere!
We went back downstairs where Riley wanted a picture taken with her CM:
As Ali talked with several of the CMs …
… I had a chance to take some pictures of a few of the more “challenged” boys at the orphanage. It is heartbreaking enough to see healthy children who have been abandoned, but is even more disturbing to see these young lives that people felt fit to just throw away through no fault of their own.
Riley spent some time off with her CM just talking together.
But I could tell Jessie was starting to struggle a little bit.
The issue came down to China Moms. When we got their, Ali realized that her CM was not at the orphanage! We had been told by the orphanage director that she would be working today, but she was not and that upset Ali greatly. We were able to call her and she agreed to come down and meet us. So, Ali patiently waited…
But for Jessie the situation was different. Her CM had specifically not come in today because she knew Jessie and she knew how difficult leaving would be on her if her CM was at the orphanage. Over the years I have heard complaints about this orphanage. Complaints around how they educate the girls or how they do or do not prepare them for the adoption process. What I can say, first hand, is that most of these CMs have a very difficult job and they do it was grace and persistence. They truly do care deeply for these kids and know that, as much as they love them, it is better for them to be adopted by a loving family than try and survive in this city with all the stigmas that are placed against them. That is easy to say, but very hard for a little 13 hear old girl to handle when everyone else is saying good by to their CM and her’s is not here.
While Jessie was dealing with all of this, Ali’s CM showed up and, quite frankly, I wasn’t able to keep up with her while she ran up to the entrance to greet her!
Once I was able to get up there, it was touching to see the reunion between the two of them; a reunion that was a little more emotional for Ali’s CM than she probably would have expected.
I felt that I should give them a few minutes together, plus I was a little worried about how Jessie was doing, so I left them to talk together.
Jessie had spent time on the phone asking her CM to come see her, of which she was refusing to come.
Jessie was almost inconsolable as other CM’s and Kelly tried to comfort her.
Her friend’s from the orphanage also tried to encourage her.
On of the workers put Jessi’s CM’s phone number in her iPod.’
Even saddened, Jessie wanted to share some of her candy with her friends, and, albeit pitifully, took pictures with her friends.
It was at this point Kelly went up to meet Ali’s CM.
The emotions of the reunion between Ali and her CM and meeting Kelly was just a little too much for everyone and the tears began to flow.
We asked her if she would like to have lunch with us and she quickly agreed.
As much of this drama was unfolding, another small drama was presenting itself in the form of a little boy that had latched on to Kelly!
I am sincerely hoping that his picture does not makes its way onto her iPhone!
During this time, Jessie’s CM had relented and agreed to come see her and say goodby. It was a harried reunion as her CM was at first a little upset that Jessie was crying so much. They went into one of the classrooms and talked for awhile and she tried to explain to Jessie that this was the best thing for her.
In the end, although painful to watch, Jessie agreed and hugged her CM, who in turn hugged Kelly.
We had at this point overstayed our welcome and the orphanage director was encouraging us to leave. Since we didn’t have room for everyone in our van, Ali’s CM suggested that she take Ali on her motorcycle to lunch. It was with great bravery that Kelly agreed!
We first went over to the school so that we could see where the girls had attended.
The girls allowed me to take a picture of them in front of the building.
And then Kelly wanted one of her, Ali, and Ali’s CM.
We left there and went to a restaurant that Ali’s CM suggested. Our guide told us that it was a 3-start restaraunt; good food but at a prcie much more reasonable than a five start! I like the sounds of that!
We got settled in and ordered. The food was excellent and came very quickly. And, it was VERY resonable.
As we prepared to leave, Ali’s CM talked to her for a minute….
… and then talked to Kelly for ahile through the interpretur. She thanked Kelly for what a good job she was doing. She said that Ali left the orphanage as a shy little girl and now, two years later, she was a confident young woman. She said that Ali had changed so very much to the better the two years she had been away and was so pleased with the job that we had been doing raising her.
Our time together ended with one last hug between moms:
It was a rewarding end to a long day. As we got back in the van, Riley was a little overwelmed with everything and alos began to cry a little. I think everyone was just a little spent has we traveled back to the hotel. This left us where we started:
Tomorrow we head to Nanning. We will sleep in a little and then spend a little time at the park before our flight leaves out later today. It has really been a great visit her in Hefei, even with the challenges that have been presented. And, we still have another girl to go meet! The adventure continues!!!
PS A few pictures for those that have asked for them!